My Year in Writing 2017


My Year in Writing 2017

This year I’ve focused most of my attention and energy on becoming a better, stronger, and more peacefully-minded person, which has been incredibly beneficial for me, but has also led to my writing suffering more than it should. Next year my focus will be on creation, but in the interest of reflection this is what I have to show for my year in writing.


Most of this year my fiction writing was spent working on the final version of my new novel that is in its home stretch. I can’t wait to send it to my agent so that I can tackle the other books I have outlined, and finish the half-dozen or so stories I have started. With that being said I was fortunate to have three reprints of earlier stories come out this year as well as a new flash fiction piece.

“The Baddest Man in Three Counties,” and “Slow Day at the S.A.” reprinted in Flush Fiction

“Slow Day at the S.A.” additionally reprinted in Paper and Ink Zine

“Target Model” flash fiction printed in Culture Cult Magazine


I sent out poetry for the first time this year, after writing it for the first time in decades. While I still have a few poems out for consideration, I haven’t written poems in earnest for the last six months or more, but am thankful to have had eleven of my poems find a home.

“Teenage Pin-up” poem Zoomoozophone Review

“Capsule” poem Foliate Oak Literary Magazine

“Vellum” poem (b)oink Zine

“Bruises,” and “Your First” poems Voices

“In a House of Dying Men” poem published in Waypoints

“Drive” poem published in Vagabond City

“Séance” poem published in Succor

“How I Write Poetry” poem published in Helen

“Failure,” and “Diary” poems published in Rust and Moth


I wrote an essay reflecting on my fight with major depression, and the feelings of loneliness and abandonment that come with it, and was thrilled to have it published since it’s a hybrid work that’s both scholarly and deeply personal.

“Escaping Loneliness” published in The Manifest Station


I was lucky enough to be interview by author and educator Ben Tanzer for his podcast This Podcast Will Save Your Life

Other random coolness:

In March I got a shout out from Daniel Handler (a.k.a. Lemony Snicket) for my novella Roller Girls Love Bobby Knight

I started a Tiny Letter to share with all of you, and have truly enjoyed reading your own work and thoughts.